Our Team


Rachel Fairman

RMT, RRPr and Founder

I get it. I have been where you have been. Working endless hours, grinding out the day, piling on the stress, frustration and exhaustion just to make ends meet. I spent nearly 20 yrs working in the financial services industry before I decided enough was enough.
My mental, physical and spiritual health just couldn’t take it anymore. I needed a change and I needed to feel like I was helping the community somehow. And that’s when the lightbulb went off. I have always loved getting massages and I saw first hand how they helped me cope with both the physical and mental stress of working in a typical 9-5 job, so why shouldn’t I help bring that message to the masses?!? Why shouldn’t I scream from the rafters about the impact of stress on the human body and how modalities like massage and reflexology can combat that!

So, I went back to school at the tender age of 47 and graduated on the Dean’s List with Honours from the Advanced Diploma Program in Massage Therapy at Mohawk College in 2021. Having successfully passed both my OSCE and MCQ exams, I was able to register with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario in Aug 2022 as Registered Massage Therapist. As such we will now be offering Massage Therapy services at our Point Edward Clinic!

I also became a Registered Reflexology Practitioner, after completing my training and certification at Reflexing the Sole and registering with the Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario, in March 2022.

Now it is my mission in life to help people relax and rejuvenate because not everyone can walk away from the stressful and sometimes toxic ways of modern day living but that doesn’t mean they should have to suffer for it.

Pair of Sympathetic Hands Massage and Reflexology Founder Rachel Fairman headshot

Founder Rachel Fairman, RMT, RRPr


Qualifications / Training

Summary of Qualifications

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